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Mod 4: Additional Post - What is conscious fashion?

Writer's picture: mau728h6mau728h6

What is Conscious Fashion? Conscious fashion is similar to the organic food movement in a sense that now, consumers are not only conscious of what we are eating but how our clothes are being produced. It's about being aware. “The clothing industry is the second-largest polluter in the world” from the book Slow aesthetics meets ethics Fashion by Safia Minney

We believe awareness can help change consumer behavior  - its simple, if we buy better quality products, we buy less products.The slow approach.

"Slow Fashion has an aim of personalizing commerce. Purchasing a piece involves emotional investment; it ceases to be purely a transaction when you buy something from a company or person that you believe in. Instead, the sale turns into something like an investment in your shared vision. Imagine giving your money only to people you respect, who make things you love and work towards putting your shared values out into the world? That sounds a lot likehaving your cake and eating it, too.”  Slow vs. Fast: 3 Facts Why We Love Slow Fashion, Susannah Emerson.

All good things take time.

A slow process encourages taking time to ensure quality production, to give value to the product, and produce less waste.

We are slow fashion.


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Aug 07, 2018

Hi M, I thought it was great you incorporated some outside sources to explain what conscious fashion is, but would've loved to see more about YOU. For example, what made you more aware of this topic? Have your shopping habits changed as a result of knowing more about conscious fashion? How has it benefited your life?


Aug 05, 2018


I love learning something new so I love this topic. Love the quote/information about the clothing industry being the second largest polluter in the world.

I have to say I got a bit confused halfway through as you seemed to transition from 'conscious' fashion to 'slow' fashion. I can see the connection of course but it probably would have helped me, as the reader, if, in the end, you tied slow back to conscious.

I will be curious to see if the slow trend has staying power. 'Slow' and fashion seem to be contradictory as fashion is about change, always a pursuit, I think, of the latest look - even if that look is produced by an eco-friendly factory.…

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